Gribblehirst Community Hub
Membership Overview
The Hub seeks to be a community of creative, friendly, and cooperative people.
This policy outlines an approach to the membership that promotes sustainability, diversity, inclusion, and openness. It also aims to ensure that the Hub’s physical and virtual spaces are as accessible as possible to all current and prospective members – noting however that accessible access is not possible until resolved by Auckland Council.
Membership of the Hub is by subscription - this is the Hub’s primary income and is needed to pay for utilities like power, gas, and internet access. Subsidised fees may be available on application.
Hub governance, leadership, and administration are based on enabling members to use the space in ways that work for them. All members are able to be part of decision-making at the Hub.
Please note that all membership subscriptions attract a $20 access token fee (per token), payable to the coordinator at the time of your site induction. This fee is refundable at the end of your membership, once the access token has been returned. This includes the "Secondary Key Holder" option. This fee is not included in the annual membership pricing below.
The membership policy below applies to all members.
A clear membership policy helps to ensure that the community grows, is sustainable, and is diverse, inclusive, and open.
To join our Hub please use our joining form available here!
Policy details & implementation
The Hub is a creative space within an Auckland Council building that is operated on a membership basis. All members are encouraged to contribute to developing a creative, inclusive community at the Hub, and to take responsibility for the Hub space.
We currently have a 3 x3 lease from the council, but due to renovations and Covid 19, membership and events are just starting to reform at the Hub in February 2021, and especially during this period, members are encouraged to give their commitment to helping to create a vibrant, creative and well-run community space, and contribute to working on, as well as in, the Hub.
The Hub will be as open and approachable as practicable for people considering becoming members. Our intention is to hold regular open days and dinners that are open to the community, however recognise that we can only work to our capacities. The more individual members contribute to a vibrant community, the more possible these things become.
Non-members will also be able to attend many of the activities at the Hub – open activities will be signaled on the website.
All intending members must read and agree to this membership policy and complete a membership application. The Trustees reserve the right to refuse any membership application.
Community initiative membership must be approved by the Board of Trustees
Once the membership fees have been paid the person or group will become a member of the Hub and of the Gribblehirst Community Trust.
Trial members or groups will have no voting rights and are not eligible to join the board.
Fees are currently set at a sliding scale to support our communities dealing with the fallout from Covid 19
Annual Individual Membership, $60 - $120
Annual Community/Social Enterprise Group, $120 - $240
NB. Membership is to the Hub only and there is no access to the Auckland Central Community Shed. While the Hub has a ‘guests allowed’ policy, the Shed does not.
From every membership fee, $10 is allocated to a fund to allow those without the means to pay the full fees, to receive a subsidised membership. The Hub Board will consider each application to this fund on a case-by-case basis.
Members are entitled to:
a fob that allows entry to the building during opening hours (6 am - 11 pm)
some storage, currently after the renovation we are trying to reorganise storage for optimum use for all our members, so ask that until we notify members there will be no storage available in the short term.
use of the 'relax' space for personal work or group activities at any time during opening hours. (Please make a regular contribution to cover the cost of tea and coffee, etc.)
reasonable use of the wifi in the building, at no cost
hire a part of the room or the kitchen
participate in members’ activities such as community dinners with other Hub members
be profiled on the Hub website and have their own page hosted by the Hub website
be able to have their activities at the Hub promoted on the Hub website, Facebook page, Meetup, Twitter, and Instagram accounts
apply to join the stewardship group which guides the Hub (not available to trial members) - apply via email to
attend, vote and speak at the Gribblehirst Community Trust AGM and vote or stand for one of the trustee positions (not available to trial members)
All Hub members will agree to the code of conduct. Breaches of the code of conduct will be referred initially to the stewardship group. Serious or continued breaches may result in suspension or cancellation of Hub membership by the trustees.
If you would like to view the trust deed, please click here